A. Study Institute of the Ministry of the Interior (MV)

TitleRecord Group Time RangeInventoryLocationLength
Viktor Emanuel Voska (personal  collection) 16 1914-1957 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior1.06 running meters
Dr. Emanuel Moravec (personal collection)391937-1947 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior0.36 running meters
Public Edification Service
(Veřejná osvětová služba)
44 1940-1946 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 44Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior25.20 running meters
Testimonies of Gestapo and Sicherheitsdienst (SD) employees
(Výpovědi zaměstnanců Gestapa a SD)
52 1945-1955 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 52 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 12.50 running meters
Curatorium for the upbringing of youth in Bohemia and Moravia
(Kuratorium pro výchovu mládeže v Čechách a na Moravě)
59 1940-1945 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 59 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 21.00 running meters
Collection of textual records from SS units on the territory of the Protectorate
(Sbírka písemností útvarů SS na území Protektorátu)
107 1939-1945 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 107 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 5.50 running meters
German courts in the Protectorate
(Německé soudy v Protektorátu)
134 1939-1945 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 134 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 81.00 running meters
Miscellaneous security services
(Různé bezpečnostní složky)
135 1938-1945 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 135 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 10.90 running meters
German courts in the Reich
(Německé soudy v říši)
141 1939-1945 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 141 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 67.00 running meters
Country Security Division, Prague
(Zemský odbor bezpečnosti Praha)
300 1945 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 300 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 9.50 running meters
Investigation commission for the national and people’s court at the Ministry of the Interior
(Vyšetřovací komise pro národní a lidový soud při MV)
301 1945-1946 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 301 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 17.40 running meters
Main Military Counterintelligence Directorate
(Hlavní správa Vojenské kontrarozvědky)
302 1945-1954 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 302 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 72.50 running meters
Miscellaneous security files after the year 1945
(Různé bezpečnostní spisy po roce 1945)
304 1945-1946 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 304 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 40.50 running meters
State Security Service Central Office
(Ústředna Státní bezpečnosti)
305 1945-1948 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 305 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 110.40 running meters
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in Czechoslovakia
307 1947-1948 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 307 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 13.80 running meters
Gestapo Hradec Králové and Pardubice
(Gestapo Hradec Králové a Pardubice)
309 1939-1945; investigation after 1945 (through the 1970s) Preliminary inventory for Record Group 309 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 2.90 running meters
State Security Service Headquarters
(Velitelství Státní bezpečnosti)
310 (1945); 1948-1953 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 310 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 14.80 running meters
Country Security Division II
(Zemský odbor bezpečnosti II.)
315 1945-1947 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 315 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 29.90 running meters
“Redakce” Berlin - StB agent network working out of Berlin under the cover name “Redakce,” or “Editorial Office,” in English
(Redakce Berlin)
317 1957-1963 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 317 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 0.36 running meters
Main Press Monitoring Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior
(Hlavní správa tiskového dohledu ministerstva vnitra)
318 1953-1968 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 318 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 41.60 running meters
Sorted files from the Ministry of the Interior secretariat
(Vytříděné spisy sekretariátu ministra vnitra)
319 1954-1960 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 319 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 5.30 running meters
Monitors (foreign broadcasts, media summaries)
(Monitory (zahraniční vysílání, přehledy tisku))
321 1968-1973 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 321 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 3.50 running meters
Selection (Kabinet) of StB materials
(Kabinet StB materiálů)
323 1945-1955 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 323 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 3.50 running meters
Prosecution of Nazi war criminals
(Stíhání nacistických válečných zločinců)
325 from 1962 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 325 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 22.60 running meters
Jewish organizations
(Židovské organizace)
425 1945 - 1953 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 425 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 56.00 running meters
Miscellaneous security services in Slovakia after 1945
(Různé bezpečnostní složky na Slovensku po roce 1945)
215 (S/2) 1938-1957 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 215 (S/2) Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 33.8 running meters
Operation R – Property claims of Austrian citizens against the Czech Socialist Republic (ČSR)
(Akce R - Majetkové nároky rakouských občanů vůči ČSR)
551 1955-1960 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 551 Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 4.80 running meters
Collection of miscellaneous textual records
(Sbírka různých písemností)
S 1918 - 1960s Preliminary inventory for Record Group S Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 67.90 running meters
Section of Political Intelligence of the Ministry of the Interior
(Odbor politického zpravodajství MV)
2M 1945-1948 Preliminary inventory for Record Group 2M Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 79.30 running meters
Intelligence maps executed by the MV Study Institute
(Mapy zpráv zpracované Studijním ústavem MV)
Z thematic focal points from the 1960s and 1970s from materials of the MV Study Institute and other archives Preliminary inventory for Record Group
Z - overview of Department 7 study reports;
Z - overview of Department 10 processed study reports;
Z - list of Department 5 reports, 1960-67
Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior 23.50 running meters