Czech institutions
- Czech Archive Society
- Czechoslovak Documentation Centre
- Czech Christian Academy
- The Czech - German Future Fund
- Libri prohibiti
- Museum of Romani Culture
- Foundation for Holocaust Victims
- The National Museum
- The National Archives
- Civic institute
- The Museum of Czech Literature
- Terezín Memorial
- The Vojna Memorial
- Parliament of the Czech Republic - Chamber of Deputies
- Parliament of the Czech Republic - The Senate
- President of the Czech Republic
- The Office for the Documentation and the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism Police of the Czech Republic
- The Office for Foreign Relations and Information
- The Institute of Contemporary History
- The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
- Government of the Czech Republic
- The Military History Institute
- Jewish Museum in Prague
Foreign institutions
- Archiv Hoover Institution (USA)
- Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania (Lithuania)
- House of Terror (Hungary)
- Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security (Maďarsko)
- Institute of Historical Studies of SAS (Slovakia)
- Library of Congress (USA)
- Maďarský ústav 20. století (Hungary)
- Memorial (Russia)
- Cold War International History Project (USA)
- The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania (Lithuania)
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USA)
- The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia (Latvia)
- Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum (Poland)
- The Cold War Museum (USA)
- Warsaw Rising Museum (Poland)
- The National Security Archive (USA)
- The National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives (Romania)
- The Global Museum on Communism (USA)
- The Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance (Romania)
- Russia - Archives (Russia)
- Cold War Studies Centre (Great Britain)
- The KARTA Center (Poland)
- The Doomed Soldiers ⁄ Polish Underground Soldiers 1944–1963 – The Untold Story (Polsko)
- The Open Society Archives (Hungary)
- Federal Commissioner for the Records of the National Security Services of the former DDR (Germany)
- The comittee for disclosing and announcing affiliation of bulgarian citisens to the State Security and the intelligence services of the Bulgarian national Army (Bulgaria)
- The Institute of National Remembrance (Poland)
- The Institute of National Memory (Slovakia)
- The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (Hungary)
- The Holocaust Education Resource Center (USA)
- Yad Vashem - The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority (Israel)
- Short long journey (Project by Fedor Gal)
- Digital Library of Staliniana (University of Pittsburgh)
- Archivní instituce v ČR (The Czech Archive Society )
- Společná česko-slovenská digitální parlamentní knihovna (Poslanecká sněmovna PČR)
- Digitalizovaný archiv časopisů (Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR v.v.i.)
- Odboj Jičínsko (Webové stránky věnované dokumentaci I., II. a III. odboje na Jičínsku)
- Odkazy k dějinám studené války (USA)
- Podpisy Prohlášení Charty 77 (Libri prohibiti)
- Post Bellum (Zvukový archiv výpovědí pamětníků 20. století)
- Pražský web pro studenou válku (Internetový časopis o dějinách studené války)
- (Webové stránky o dějinách komunistického režimu v Československu)
- (Webové stránky o dějinách československého vojenství)
- (Webové stránky o dějinách Výboru na obranu nespravedlivě stíhaných 1978-1989)
- The Bratislava Candle Demonstration of 25 March 1988